Megaliths - the eternal messages



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Stone pages - journeys to megalithic monuments

Over the last 26 years I have personally visited and photographed all the archæological sites you will find in these pages. I am creating the web guide to mainly megaliths of the Czech Republic, but also other European prehistoric sites, summarizing my travels since 1991. Moreover, apart from just collecting the photos of ancient settlements, sanctuaries and burial places I have naturally started to be interested and attracted by not only who the historical inhabitants were, but also what did they feel, what was their way of thinking, and what do we have in common with them...


Horoměřický menhir

Příznivci českých megalitů znají dobře pojem “horoměřický menhir”. Je to nevelký opracovaný kámen, který stával kousek za obcí ve směru na Kozí hřbety. Nyní je kolem něj nová zástavba, konkrétně budova a zahrada dětské školky v ulici K menhiru.